Kana mobile Wallet — A secure wallet for your daily crypto use
Participate in Staking and swapping anywhere, anytime using the Kana mobile wallet. Gain access to your crypto at any place with just one click on your mobile. Swap and stake tokens directly from your Kana mobile wallet in a single swipe. Here is everything you need to know about Kana mobile wallet and its various features.
The kana wallet stores your public and private keys for cryptocurrency transactions, Keeping your crypto secured and accessible at all times. Kana wallet will also enable users to send, receive, and spend crypto tokens. The mobile wallet makes the use of crypto as easy as using an online shopping platform like amazon on the phone.
Kana wallet is the best wallet for users across defi and dex platforms. Kana users will have the ability to organize funds and store their crypto in different wallets with ease.
Features of Kana wallet
· Store all your Tokens and NFTs in one place
· Supports hundreds of thousands of tokens
· Access to decentralized finance and exchange on your phone
· Industrial — leading and top of the class encryptions technology for your wallet
How Kana wallet keeps you and your crypto safe
You will never have to worry about the safety of your funds while using Kana decentralized mobile application.
No one can have access to your funds except you — Kana is a self-custodial wallet. your private key is encrypted on your device by your password and never shared with anyone.
Your privacy is valued the most — Kana wallet doesn’t track any personally identifiable information, your account address, or asset balance. You don’t have to worry about Dapps or Exchanges gaining access to your personal information including transactions.
Stay safe with Kana — By signing up with a secret recovery phrase to gain access to all your crypto with the wallet that generated the phrase even if you delete or lose the wallet. if you have forgotten your Kana password, you can reset it by re-importing your secret recovery phrase and starting over. Your wallet will be restored to normal
How kana is different from other wallets
With Kana Name your wallet! Give a unique name to your wallet to send and receive tokens. Powered by Solana name Service (SNS) users can create their wallets on Kana Mobile App using a wallet name. Wallet name can be used between kana wallet users to send and receive tokens eliminating the need to use a lengthy public address.
Have multiple wallets to store all your coins and tokens — Create multiple wallets on the Kana mobile app to organize your funds into different wallets with different names or private/public keys. You can choose to have a wallet for staking tokens and have another separate wallet for Swapping tokens, it’s up to you to organize your Kana wallets in the way that you choose to use the Kana application.
Collect NFTs and add them to your wallet as collections — with the Kana wallet you can store NFTS as a collection. You can also receive NFTs using the wallet address, or the barcode provided for your kana wallet.
Get started with Kana mobile wallet
· Download the Kana mobile wallet on apple
·Download the Kana mobile wallet on android
·Sign up and gain access to the decentralized web on your mobile