This article will help you understand what web 3.0 is and how they work.
The Internet has become a place for people to share and store most of their private information. While this information can be accessed anytime and anywhere, the truth is they are owned by the web service providers that you have signed up to. This information that people have on the web can be in the form of personal images, videos, audio, passwords, email id, etc. The main goal of web 3.0 is to secure this information on the web firsthand before it could be secured by any other third-party being the internet service provider or the website, applications, and domain that you have agreed to share or store information with.
What is Web 3.0?
Tim Berners- Lee inventor of the world wide web (WWW) created
⦁ HTML — allowing documents to be linked to other documents
⦁ URL — A unique location for each document
⦁ HTTP- Rules to allow documents to be linked together across the internet
The Web3.0 or the semantic web is a “web of data rather than a web of documents”. The semantic web will unlock the potential of the web by linking data and the relationships between data. The two main Concepts of a sematic web are
URI- Everything on the internet has (Uniform resource identifiers). Accessing a URI on the internet will always retrieve useful information. The URI could be linked to electronic documents, web pages, images on the web. The information includes explicit relationships to other things related to URIs.
Linked data — The idea that everything on the internet will have a relationship to other things is the basic concept of linked data and that’s what makes the semantic web possible. Any unique item that you may have on the internet is going to be related to many other items that are on the internet which in turn could be related to many more items on the web. The concept of linked data enables accessibility and integration of different datasets on the web using a standard format for data and relationships known as the linked data ‘triples’.
With the concept of URI and Linked data ‘triples’ new relationships between data can be created automatically by the software and do not require any human interaction. It will allow computers to analyze the content of new data, make connections and add them to the existing data. It will also allow computers to find inconsistencies when the data’ triple’ don’t match up.
What is Web3.0 or the Semantic web For?
⦁ it is for the computers to understand the meaning of the data, enabling humans to work more efficiently.
⦁ Assemble data from many authoritative sources in one place.
⦁ Standardize data collection for improved access and collaborations.
The idea and the concept of Web 3.0 will eventually decentralize the internet as we know it and make the web open, permission less, and secure like other technologies such as the blockchain which has decentralized the way people use their currency on the internet.